Hello. My name isn't Andrew W.K.

The internet web sight of steevmike.party is as potentially perplexing, ambrosially ambiguous and impetuously impenetrable as its two namesakes.  As with the rest of the “Andrew W.K.” project, transcendentally ethereal gems of wisdom are cast between semi-deliberated disinformative detritus, with the entire spectrum of possibility linking those two worlds fully embraced so as to provide the audience with maximal perceptive fluidity.  But as with the rest of this Work, there are both subtle contextual clues and bald-faced, glaring, throbbing dissonances that all provide a potential pathway through The Noise - for as those versed in the Wilkes-Krierian way know: it can never be stopped.

This Noise of steevmike.party appears primarily in four forms: self-reflexive meaninglessness, or essentially stating nothing with sufficient polysemous prose for the audience to project their own meaning (a tried-and-true technique present throughout most of Andrew’s output); aggressive self-rebuttal, or intensely asserting an argument that contradicts previous positions that may well still be maintained (something most often presented passively here, but a method Andrew has employed very openly and directly at times); readymade appropriation, where pre-existing texts have been altered to ‘be about’ Andrew W.K. and/or Steev Mike (this will be explored at length throughout); and finally lingual obfuscation, or the use of highly technical and/or rarefied language (a relatively new expression of Wilkes-Krierian confusion, as Andrew and Steev most often attempted to exclusively utilise simple, eloquent, albeit at times vague, language in the past).

As this fourth form is so lingually labyrinthine and brutally neoteric, particularly in the context of the onslaught of information from the W.K. camp leading up to the launch of God Is Partying on September 10th, and as I have spent years of my life employing language to both confuse and inspire, I wanted to offer up this filtered-through-my-life-perspective/simplified adaptation to enable both Fans of Andrew W.K. and Haters of Steev Mike who find themselves too time-poor and/or overwhelmed to be able to absorb the feeling of steevmike.party without being vanquished by hundreds of Ten-Dollar-Words (or the occasional perplexing typographical/grammatical error).

Each posting here will correspond to one of the essays on steevmike.party, presenting the original text plain with [any corrections, interpretations or comments bold in square brackets] for ease of comparison, rather than having to jump between the two sites.

Between each paragraph of the original text I will present my attempted simplifications in bold text, so that if you are looking to just get the cliff notes, you need only read the bold.

At the end of each essay I will at some point also provide some meta-commentary in italics, dealing with any potential repurposed texts/ significance of the image above each essay as well as providing a highly subjective, to-be-taken-seriously-at-your-own-risk, judgement on the ‘veracity’ or possible pertinence of each essay.  This particular interpretative effort is requiring far more energy than I anticipated, and God Is Partying is very soon.

As one reduces what is often sprawling, multidimensional words and phrases, naturally the rhizomatic interpretations thereof are collapsed (which could arguably be one of the key takeaways from this Work), so while I acknowledge on some level this is a disservice to the breathtaking complexity of what Andrew and Steev have constructed I hope that this is simply an entry point to a facet of this Work that seems to have proven overly daunting to some of the community - a beginning, not an end by a long shot.  All opinions expressed within are purely my own, but deep gratitude and extended acknowledgements are more than due to all at THUNDERVVOLT for fostering such a high level of analysis, contextualisation, discourse and, I believe, un-understanding.  As per the preeminent “Andrew W.K.” academic community, Steev Mike 5 Dummies considers it of paramount importance to identify the three main elements of “Andrew W.K.” as discrete.  Therefore, the following stylisations will be used in order to differentiate: “Andrew W.K.” for the project as a whole, ANDREW W.K. for the band/live act, and Andrew W.K. for the physical being at the centre of the project.  This is subject to change.

In case I’ve lost you already, let me un-wanker-ify all of the above so ya get where I’m comin from:

Steevmike.party is super weird but awesome and totally worth it - there’s some really cool stuff among all the Bullshit, and it can be hard to tell the two apart for sure.  I’m here to try to help wade through the Bullshit!

There’s 4 kinds of Bullshit here: Talkin’ Bullshit, i.e. not really saying anything at all with a whole bunch of words (which you’ve probably noticed he does heaps); Callin’ Bullshit, where he contradicts himself and sometimes even attacks himself; Stealin’ Bullshit, where he’s taken academic texts and basically just changed the names; and Hifalutin’ Bullshit, using all this fancy language that I was lucky enough to learn at university (not a flex, I don’t reckon being able to read this website is worth the $$$$$ as rad as it is).

Cos the language he’s using here is heavier than the I’m In Heaven ending and SO much is going on leading up to God Is Partying dropping Sept. 10, and cos I’m pretty good at Bullshittin’ too, I wanted to offer up this tl;dr version to make sure as many people get into it as possible!  A lot of it can be pretty bloody dry too, so you’ll have to excuse me for chuckin in a lol or two here n there ;D

Each post here’ll tackle one of the essays from steevmike.party, presenting the original text all plain like this with [any corrections, interpretations or comments bold in square brackets] so it’s easier to see what I’m interpreting more directly - the original’s always gonna be better hey!

Between each paragraph I will present my simplifications in bold text, so that if you are looking to just get the cliff notes, you need only read the bold.

At the end of each essay I will probably eventually get around to also providing some meta-commentary in italics, I’ll try and figure out where he’s grabbed someone else’s words and repurposed them, chat about the picture with each essay as well as providing a highly subjective, to-be-taken-seriously-at-your-own-risk, judgement on the ‘truthiness’ or how much attention I reckon each bit is worth. I wanted to get this all done before the new album drops but that’s seeming totally absurd at this point, so I am going to spray-n-pray these up on the internet as I get ‘em done.  Bear with me please hey.

Cos simplifying stuff kills some of the potential, some of the magick, of the words (which I reckon is one of the main points of this Work), please don’t think this is the be-all and end-all of steevmike.party, or Steev Mike, or the Party!   These are just my thoughts, nothin approaching THEE gospel (at most, The Gospel According To Lysergic), but big shoutouts to all at THUNDERVVOLT for making this possible.  Just like they do, when I write “Andrew W.K.” I mean everything to do with the project, all capitals ANDREW W.K. is the live-performance music band and Andrew W.K. for the dude who is involved in it all.  

Finally re: the title of this page, I just wanted to say that I don’t think you specifically are a dummy - we’re all at least partial dummies and Steev Mike wants us to embrace our dumminess, but 5 is way better than 4, like almost 25% better.

yours sincerely,

The Technologment Entertainist


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